Animal Surgery
Our veterinarians provide many surgical services at our clinic, ranging from routine to advanced procedures.
Animal Surgery in Glasgow, MT
We can perform almost any surgery your pet could need, or find the right specialist to help with the operation.
Animal Surgery
At our clinic, our veterinarians offer a wide range of surgical services, from routine procedures such as spay and neuters to complex orthopedic fracture repairs!. We occasionally refer our patients to specialists (board-certified veterinary surgeons) to carry out complex surgeries when specialized tools or training will be helpful because we want to guarantee that they get the best possible outcome.
To ensure that your pet receives a safe surgical experience, we tailor our anesthesia to each individual. Before surgery, your pet gets a through physical exam and any additional testing needed to provide as safe and successful procedure as possible. They are monitored throughout the surgery and anesthesia is adjusted as needed. After the surgery is completed they are given additional pain medication and monitored as they wake up!
We know surgery can seem a bit scary for both you and your pet so feel free to ask our staff any questions or present any concerns you may have. We want to help ease your anxiety and make surgery day less daunting!
Things to Remember!
1.) No food after 7pm the night before surgery
2.) No food the morning of surgery
3.) Water all night/morning is okay
4.) If your pet has morning medication call us to see if you should still give it at home or bring to the clinic for after surgery
5.) If you have any questions or concerns, Ask Us!